I ran 10K today!

I didn’t say I did it all in one session, but 5K/ session is pretty great, considering I felt as if I was going to choke and die after the first 3K.

Based on the last post, my last run was two months ago, and I had completed my first marathon two weeks back. This goes to show that I’d probably excel as a slacker, but not a runner – boo. HOWEVER, my goal to complete an Ironman triathlon before I’m 30 is still on the plate, and when I set targets, I stick to them – mostly.

I was late into work today, and slept in until it was too hot to run out. Reluctantly, I had to use the treadmill – MOTHER OF RUNNING HORRORS. Look, I absolutely completely thoroughly freaking hate running indoors. I cannot stress how boring and stuffy it gets, and it makes me sad. Sad Lisa can’t run. And when I can’t run… well, I can’t.

It took me sometime to set up the machine. I’ve not used it in months, so it was all dirty and gross and disgusting and dusty and manky. Much cursing later, I was on it and running jogging and walking until I completed 5K.

I suppose it wasn’t too bad, and was much better than I thought it would be. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm!

415 calories burned too. That’s like… breakfast. Only thing is I DIDN’T HAVE BREAKFAST, so I could afford to eat yummy lunch which my mum made:

Perfect. I’ve been craving pasta for days, now.

Anyway, I reluctantly went to work, which was total bollocks because there was nothing to do in work today. The plus side is that I got to leave early to put another run in outdoors.


Outdoor run was better than indoor run, yay! It was not the best run, but I’ll take whatever right now. It felt really good running outside again, especially on the flat surface (Cannot… run… uphill… anymore). My feet didn’t go numb, which is usually the main problem with my running, but my left knee did go all wobbly and is hurting a lot now. NOT TO WORRY! I’ve applied analgesic cream onto it and I should be up and running again tomorrow.

This is me now. I’m (a lot) fatter and slightly slower than Fit Lisa.

This is Fit Lisa. She was fit.

On the bright side, running 10K meant I could have dinner without feeling too guilty. I took a picture of dinner – which was leftover nasi lemak – but the photo makes it look really unappealing so I’m not going to post it here.

I do plan a run in the morning before work, though. I’ve also made a banana smoothie for breakfast because overnight oats suck balls.

What I put in my smoothie today: 2 bananas, a scoop of whey protein powder, a tablespoon of yoghurt, and goat’s milk. I’ve not tasted it, but it smells brilliant!

I should probably go grocery shopping soon so I can pack food to work. Hmm. Hmm. HMM. That’s the plan anyway.

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