Race Report: Malaysia Women Marathon 2014

I had genuinely looked forward to the Malaysian Women Marathon (MWM) 2014 on March 16 as completing this race would entitle me a coveted membership with international running group Marathon Maniacs. Basically, all I had to do was complete 2 marathons within a 16 day time frame, which was highly plausible following the 2XU marathon I ran in Singapore on March 2.

I had not trained further for this latter marathon and had only put in a 15.5km treadmill run during the two-week hiatus. Reasons for my limited enthusiasm include a dislocated kneecap, the terrible haze in Kuala Lumpur, and lack of motivation following the first marathon. But I was more than fit fine to complete another marathon – you really don’t lose fitness that easily! And as the cutoff time for MWM was 7 hours, I was not at all worried. I could walk, and still complete the race within time limit.

A couple of days after 2XU, I had purchased a patella band and succumbed to buying compression tights in hopes they would cushion the pain in my knee.



Honestly, I don’t think they helped very much. Especially the tights! I had never been one for compression tights, but Reuben said they would help me with running, so I was convinced to get a pair. They don’t help. Really. Don’t. Buy. Them. Unless you have RM500 to spare, or something. Or it’s winter/ freezing cold where you are. But if you live in sunny Malaysia like me, I don’t see a point. THE KENYANS DON’T RUN IN FANCY GEAR, DO THEY?

Anyway, back to the race report.

I collected the running pack on Saturday and was properly appalled by the official running vest provided to us.vest



This isn’t even a running vest. It’s a crop top, but like… the ugliest crop top in the world. I can totally judge, because I have an impeccable fashion sense (as I have constantly been told since I was 15). And this crop top-vest-wannabe is plain ugly. Or as Reuben put it: “It is not ugly, it is offensive. At least you can wear ugly”. Hell no(!) were we going to wear ugly,  so I suggested we wear the yellow 2XU running vest (which I think makes me look like a bumble bee) instead.



The weather had cleared up considerably on race eve, so I had dismissed the possibility of a cancellation. However, when we arrived at the venue the next morning, there was a bout of haze which threatened to cancel the run. Fortunately Unfortunately (you’ll find out why in a bit), the race organiser decided to proceed with the event and told all runners to run “at your own risk” – to which we were only happy to.

I suppose my run was okay if you neglect the fact that I was suffering from a runny tummy as a result of food poisoning. Shamelessly, I had to stop at every porta potty I came across, which was every 2KM (I ran 24K). Also, the compression tights and sports tape I had bandaged around my kneecap did little to ease the pain in my knee. As such, I found myself walking uphill, and only jogging downhill as well as on flats. But I was happy. I was happy because completing this marathon would finally make me a Marathon Maniac. And that was adequate motivation for me.

BUT NO! 21K into my run I was pulled over by a marshall and told to return to the starting line because the race was CANCELLED. Yes, they cancelled it MIDWAY. They cancelled the race AFTER MOST OF US HAD RUN HALF A MARATHON. A few runners and I were like screw you, organisers, we’re going to complete this race on our own accord. BUT NO! They stopped us again at KM23 and told us to go back! No more running “at your own risk” because they had packed away all the water stations and the race was officially over.

But everybody get’s a finisher’s pendant and a tacky finisher skirt, SO THAT’S OKAY RIGHT?


LIES! ALL LIES! Most of us are not 42K finishers! I met a girl who ran only 1K, turned back (so that makes it 2K, I guess), and received a pendant! RUBBISH! NONSENSE! 


CLASSY! (If you cannot tell, I am being sarcastic) This is worse than the crop top/ vest. 

So there you have it, my dream of joining an international running group – over. Haze aside, I opine they should have let those who chose to continue running to complete the race (at our own risk and all). Imagine being pulled over at KM30 or so (I’m sure there were a few) and told to go back. I would be furious! Luckily for me, this isn’t my first full marathon and I can genuinely tell myself that I am still a marathoner (UNLIKE YOU POSERS POSING WITH YOU “FINISHER” PENDANT! Mine is safely tucked into my box of fails).

There are a few 10K races in April which I’m really looking forward to. My PB for 10K rests at 50 minutes, and I hope to improve my timing with regular training and proper diet. The past three weeks since 2XU Singapore have been well rubbish – training and diet-wise. But that’s going to change starting… this weekend. Or at least, that’s what I keep telling myself.

Race report: Melawati 10K 2014

I woke up at five this morning feeling completely horrible. Don’t get me wrong, my negative feelings had nothing to do with intense training or lack of sleep or dreading the impending run scheduled for two hours later. My pessimistic outlook stemmed from personal issues, which was worse, considering I hardly let emotions dictate my life. I was feeling extremely downcast and only climbed out of bed 30 minutes later, that too, after forcing myself to think of Anisah who was to pick me up from my house before heading to the race together.

I had not prepared for this run per se, as my ultimately races are still the 2XU marathon in Singapore (March 2), and Malaysian Women’s Marathon in Putrajaya (March 16). In fact, I viewed today’s 10K as typical training, but with a lovely medal at the end! Nonetheless, I saw it as an excuse to actually eat, and eat I did. Only, I called it carbo loading.

So Anisah and I “carbo loaded” yesterday at The Curve @ Mutiara Damansara. She suggested we visit The Apartment restaurant, which brands itself as “contemporary European cuisine with a Scottish twist”. That was why I ordered an Asian fish salad and lamb meatball spaghetti.



The fish salad was most vile. I mean, who eats salad warm? I cannot brain (excuse my English) warm shredded cucumber… I just cannot. I have never had warm Thai salad before, and I continue to stress how completely horrible it was. The soggy pieces of fried fish only made it worse, and I could stomach no more than half a plate – which was such a waste of money at RM16.90! Fortunately, the tasty pasta made up for the mess of a salad, and I found myself cheerily enjoying lunch. I also ate some of Anisah’s leftover salmon pasta, but I had to, because I was carbo loading and I hate seeing delicious food going to waste. Hmm. Hmm.


The Melawati 10K race pack comes with a blue Brooks running shirt and RM120 voucher for Brooks running shoes. The shirt was a tad too big for me despite being in size XS simply because they came only in Men’s size. This did not bother me too much as I never wear event apparel anyway. Instead, I ran in my pink Newton vest and green running shorts.


We arrived at the venue 10 minutes before the race started, and actually managed to get to the front of the line. Sort of. We were at the side of the starting line. I had intended to run with Anisah and El Sen, but when we started jwalking (I have defined jwalking many times before. Don’t tell me it’s not a real word. I’ve used it enough times for it to be a word) at the start, I couldn’t help wanting to run the rest of the way. With their blessing and good luck wishes, I commenced running and overtaking other participants.

The first 2.5K or so were fairly easy. The road was flat and my pace was quick and even. I did not push myself in fear of overtiring too early in the race. After all, it had been awhile since I last ran on the road. 3K into the run, it started to get hilly but not too steep. However, I realised in time that I was extremely thirsty and needed to hydrate as soon as possible. Unfortunately for me, the first water station came at 4K, and I had slowed down considerably since.

Following the first stop, we ran over many hills which made me realise that I absolutely, completely, utterly suck at running hills. I did not stop to walk, but I did slow down so much that a fellow runner actually walked past me (I overtook him eventually)! This is a definite sign that I lack hill training, and I must train doubly hard uphill so that this unwanted struggle won’t happen again.

What pleased me the most was when RunKeeper announced “one hour” as soon as I stepped over the finish line. Woo-hoo! 10K in one hour! What ruined my moment of elation was when it continued with “you have run 9.3 kilometers”. Whut. 9.3K? 9.3K?! And here I was thinking I was on fi-yah! But when they gave me a medal, my disappointment disappeared completely and was replaced with total joy.


My first running medal of the year!

Anisah and El Sen crossed the finish line 30 minutes later, which was great, considering this is their first race and they are not regular runners. I am so proud of my friends. They loved it too! Which makes me so happy – more running partners!




My next race will be in a week on Sunday, and I’m already looking forward to that. Though frankly, I can’t wait until the last marathon is over so I can concentrate on other aspects of my life instead of worrying about training most of the time. Yes, I do that. I worry a lot.

Rest yesterday, and a quick jwalk today

I totally made up that word “jwalk” and am feeling pretty awesome for making stuff up. I’m so lame funny that I amaze myself sometimes. I don’t know where I get it from, but it surely must be inner talent or something.

A “jwalk” is basically a jog-walk. And since I tend to jog-walk most of the time now, let’s shorten it to jwalk on this blog – and hope it catches on so I can be famous or something, for a good reason this time.

The past week had not been ideal in terms of finding time to run. Work required me everyday from 10am to 8pm, and I was constantly surrounded by smokers. Generally, I have no problem with smokers and people can smoke all they want around me. But non-stop smoking makes me extremely thirsty and feel uncool (because I’ve never tried smoking). Also, I forgot to bring enough water to work and I STRONGLY STAND BY MY PRINCIPLE NOT TO SPEND MONEY ON WATER BECAUSE YOU CAN GET THAT SHIT AT HOME FOR FREE. Unless somebody buys water for me, then I’ll drink water out. Or I could just drink somebody else’s water, which I totally did.

But how much of somebody else’s water can you drink, really? Of course I was dehydrated and sad and thirsty and sad, and this did not translate well with my running jwalks.

Since my knee was bothering me, I decided to rest yesterday as per the advice of fellow runner Jeff Windham (Twitter: @jwind911). OF COURSE I TOOK A DAY OFF. Anything to be lazy.

For the oddest reason, I was craving fried chicken so badly and had to HAD TO have fried chicken, which I did.

Fried chicken is awesome. I eat fried chicken, therefore I am awesome.

The meal came with chips and root bear. On the plus side, I didn’t drink the soda. Not so plus side was that I totally finished off the chips.

Curly fries be so amazing – OMG FULL DEE DEE DEE MODE.

When I got home, I found that my mum had cooked me baked beans and chicken spaghetti, and it was A-MAY- ZING! So I had one plate.

And another plate.

Today, I packed the leftover pasta and brought it to work. I really intended to eat only the packed lunch throughout the day, but Azril bought Domino’s Pizza and NOBODY can say no to pizza. Hence, I ate 2 slices of pepperoni pizza – THIN CRUST, so it’s really not that bad (I keep telling myself that).

Following pizza, and as per my initial plan, I spaced out the container of pasta throughout the day and resisted any temptation to have another slice of savoury, delicious, tantalising pizza. By the time I reached home at 9pm, I was starving and craving fried chicken again.

But… I really REALLY want to be fit, so I decided to run off my hunger instead.

I suppose my jwalk was pretty good considering my exhausted and hungry state. What’s really funny is that I chafed my armpits while jogging. I mean… who the hell chafes their armpits, like ever? Needless to say, it burned like hell, so I cut my jwalk short and came home and felt sorry for myself.

I will be extremely busy this weekend, so I don’t know if I will have time to train. I’m having dinner with the Prime Minister on Saturday (Okay, I’m not having dinner WITH him, but he is going to be there. And it’s a private dinner, so it’s pretty exclusive. Ahem), and work on Sunday (sometimes, I feel like I work too much). However, I hope to find time to put in one more 10K run.

I just really hope my knee stops acting up. I mean, what’s up with that?


Again 10K? Much good job! Knee pain? Oh no!

I think I broke my knee. Well, not literally! But it feels all broken and I’m limping and feeling very sorry for myself at the moment.

I think I may have pushed my body too hard, too fast. After all, it’s only my second day back after a two-month hiatus, and I’m already forcing myself to run jog-walk (jwalk?) 10K.


Well, the good news is that I completed my 10K target and then some. I did it all in one session today, and the timing (like yesterday’s) is not as bad as I thought it would be. Hooray for perseverance! Hooray for good music!

However, not all is well right now. As mentioned, my left knee is hurting a lot and last I checked (I am now in bed!), I was walking with a limp. Still, not as bad as when I ran the marathon and had to use a cane for two days!

I hadn’t eaten much today. I had half a Kellog’s fibre bar (expired, so it’s cheaper. YES, I AM THAT CHEAP) for brunch, and some fried noodles for lunch which looked like this:

I totally stole this photo online because sometimes I’m too embarrassed to take photos of what I eat in public. Only sometimes. Which is hardly. Anyway, my noodles looked like that.

I still have not gotten round to shopping for healthy foods to bring to work. Mum says to make peanut butter sandwiches for lunch and dinner. I suppose beggars cannot be choosers, so peanut butter sandwiches it is tomorrow!

Ps: I just checked and I weigh 54 kilos now. Much heavy! Many weights! Very lame.

I ran 10K today!

I didn’t say I did it all in one session, but 5K/ session is pretty great, considering I felt as if I was going to choke and die after the first 3K.

Based on the last post, my last run was two months ago, and I had completed my first marathon two weeks back. This goes to show that I’d probably excel as a slacker, but not a runner – boo. HOWEVER, my goal to complete an Ironman triathlon before I’m 30 is still on the plate, and when I set targets, I stick to them – mostly.

I was late into work today, and slept in until it was too hot to run out. Reluctantly, I had to use the treadmill – MOTHER OF RUNNING HORRORS. Look, I absolutely completely thoroughly freaking hate running indoors. I cannot stress how boring and stuffy it gets, and it makes me sad. Sad Lisa can’t run. And when I can’t run… well, I can’t.

It took me sometime to set up the machine. I’ve not used it in months, so it was all dirty and gross and disgusting and dusty and manky. Much cursing later, I was on it and running jogging and walking until I completed 5K.

I suppose it wasn’t too bad, and was much better than I thought it would be. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm!

415 calories burned too. That’s like… breakfast. Only thing is I DIDN’T HAVE BREAKFAST, so I could afford to eat yummy lunch which my mum made:

Perfect. I’ve been craving pasta for days, now.

Anyway, I reluctantly went to work, which was total bollocks because there was nothing to do in work today. The plus side is that I got to leave early to put another run in outdoors.


Outdoor run was better than indoor run, yay! It was not the best run, but I’ll take whatever right now. It felt really good running outside again, especially on the flat surface (Cannot… run… uphill… anymore). My feet didn’t go numb, which is usually the main problem with my running, but my left knee did go all wobbly and is hurting a lot now. NOT TO WORRY! I’ve applied analgesic cream onto it and I should be up and running again tomorrow.

This is me now. I’m (a lot) fatter and slightly slower than Fit Lisa.

This is Fit Lisa. She was fit.

On the bright side, running 10K meant I could have dinner without feeling too guilty. I took a picture of dinner – which was leftover nasi lemak – but the photo makes it look really unappealing so I’m not going to post it here.

I do plan a run in the morning before work, though. I’ve also made a banana smoothie for breakfast because overnight oats suck balls.

What I put in my smoothie today: 2 bananas, a scoop of whey protein powder, a tablespoon of yoghurt, and goat’s milk. I’ve not tasted it, but it smells brilliant!

I should probably go grocery shopping soon so I can pack food to work. Hmm. Hmm. HMM. That’s the plan anyway.